Thursday, February 10, 2011

Top clichéd ways to propose marriage

In the event that you have beaches that are close by you could take her there right before sunset. Enjoy a nice ride with easy going music in the car. When the sun sets take out the ring and propose.

Plan an extensive treasure hunt. You can start the hunt out by giving your soon to be partner in marriage the first clue. Be sure not to make the clues easy and not to difficult. When your partner comes to the last place be there waiting holding the ring out in your hand ready to propose.

Go out on a boat ride. Take her somewhere and then fake the boat being stuck after "much struggling" finally say something along the lines of "without you in my life I would feel like I was stranded on an island that no ship ever came to pass" {bride to be name here}, will you marry me.

Get down on one knee and asking your girl to marry you. Although repetitive it does tend to work almost every time
Layout some rose petals and or other flowers on your front lawn spelling about "Will You Marry Me". Trust me; your lover is going to absolutely love this.

Take your lover to a special place where you can easily shout and hear your echo without disturbance. Start off with something like "I Love you", let her answer and then when she's done stand behind her and shout as loud as you can "Will You Marry Me". When she turns around have the jewelry box open with you on one knee presenting her with your engagement ring. Follow the evening up with a spectacular dinner at a great restaurant.

Setup a nice dinner at her favourite restaurant and have it accompanied by a violinist or pianist and as you order desert have the waiter bring out a dish with the wedding ring on it. Make sure the box is open for you to take the ring and has rose petals surrounding it. Now all that's left is to "pop the question".

Have a plane spell your proposal in the air for you. Yes, those magic words "will you marry me"!
Go to where the two of you first met. When you go to the place where you first met her reminisce for a few moments and then take out the ring, get down on one knee, and ask her to marry you.

Create a memory book. Take a note book and make it like a diary of your time together. Towards the end cut out the center of enough pages to fit a ring in and as you turn to that page ask her to marry you.

We would love to hear your proposal or how you intend to propose.  The best story stands the chance of choosing any gemstone on our website to the value of R500.00 including shipping within South Africa.

To enter, just add your story to the comment section of this blog and dont forget to add your email address.  Otherwise, go to our facebook page and write on our wall.    The winner will be announced in the 1st week of March.

Part of this article was taken from:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February's birthstone: Amethyst

Heart shaped amethysts are the perfect gift for Valentines day...

For more than 3000 years, Amethyst has been the most valuable member of the quartz group. From ancient Egyptian royalty, this transparent purple variety of quartz has enjoyed an historical importance as an insignia of power. Fine amethysts are to this day present in the Crown Jewels of many royal houses throughout Europe. It is therefore not surprising then that when Church and State were almost as one, Amethyst was also a favourite stone in the high ranks of the Christian church, and was often referred to as "the stone of bishops". The name appears to have been derived from the Greek word "amethystos" which translates into "not drunken." Amethyst was considered up until recent times to be a strong antidote against drunkenness, which is why wine goblets were often carved from it and simple amethyst talismans we popular. The gemstone still symbolizes sobriety.

Amethyst is the birthstone for those who are born in February or for the Zodiac sign of Pisces.

Purchasing Amethyst
While fashions come and go the intense deep colours are still the most valuable, particularly a rich purple with rose / pink flashes. The "Siberian" deep purple with red and blue flash commands the highest prices, although rough of this variety is extremely hard to come by of late.  Dark African amethyst is very popular and sold on our website.

Amethyst 22x17 Cushion Chess Top, 33.44 carats
R 6,336.40


Amethyst is a daylight stone; under artificial light the subtle flashed that infuse the stone with its fire are not well displayed. The true character of the stone is best viewed in the early morning or evening, when the light is soft and warm and the majesty of this regal gem are best displayed.

Green Amethyst 12x12 Cushion Checkerboard, 6.63carats
R 350.40


A fine quality Amethyst is transparent, allowing the light to pass through the stone unhindered. Any translucency slightly weakens the passage of the light through the stone. The best quality Amethysts are "eye-clean", being free of visible inclusions of any kind. Since amethyst deposits are plentiful, there is little reason other than a price constraint to buy stones with visible inclusions.


Due to the presence of banding or zoning which delineates the distribution of colour in the crystals, Amethyst is often cut in round brilliants to maximize and even out colour. Other cuts such as the simple octagonal step cuts can be used when the colour is better distributed through out the stone. Amethyst is available in a wide range of calibrated sizes and shapes, including many fancy ones.

Amethyst 8x8 Square, 2.16 carats
R 157.68

Mineable Deposits

While the largest mineable deposits of today are in Brazil, namely the "Palmeira" Amethysts of Rio Grande do Sul and the "Maraba" Amethysts of Para. Other Amethyst deposits are found worldwide in such countries as Bolivia, Canada, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Russia, Sri Lanka, United States (Arizona), Uruguay and Zambia. Each deposit from continent to continent to a certain extent had an almost distinctive colour fingerprint. Making for example, African stones a distinctively different colour to say South American stones.

Common Amethyst Treatments

Heat treatment of 878-1382 degrees F (470-750 degrees C) results in light yellow, golden yellow, red-brown, green or colourless varieties of Amethyst being produced.  All amethyst on our website are heat treated.

Important & famous Amethysts

While the piece in question has long been lost in the sands of time, around 1300 B.C the bejeweled breastplate of Aaron, contained an Amethyst representing one of the 12 tribes (Dan) of Israel - Exodus 28:15-30