Thursday, August 13, 2015

Some fun facts about the August Birthstone - Peridot

We all know that the birthstone for August is Peridot.  Living in the Southern Hemisphere, Spring is around the corner and Peridot's bright apple green loveliness makes her appearance once again in August.  The bright, apple green colour of this extraterrestrial gemstone reminds me of the new life that Spring brings to our dormant garden.

The ancient Egyptians mined peridot on the Red Sea island of Zabargad, the source for many large fine peridots in the world’s museums. The Egyptians called it the “gem of the sun.” Today this gem is still prized for its restful yellowish green hues and long history.

Large strongly-coloured, examples can be spectacular, and attractive smaller gems are available for jewellery at all price points.

Here are some fun facts about Peridot which until today, I did not know:

  1. Peridot crystals are found in meteorites: some rare extraterrestrial crystals are even big enough to facet as cut gemstones.
  2. Most gems are coloured by impurities such as iron. Peridot's colour is intrinsically yellow-green. Higher-quality stones have an intense colour.
  3. Peridot has extremely high double refraction: when you look closely through the gem, you can see two of each pavilion facet.
  4. Some peridot is ancient: 4.5 Billion years old!  It's found in pallasite meteorites, remnants of our solar system's birth.
  5. Gem variety of the mineral olivine: found in peridotite rock from the earth’s upper mantle.
  6. In 2005, peridot was found in comet dust brought back from the
  7. Stardust robotic space probe.
For more information on Peridot and other gemstones, please visit our website at

Happy Peridot month!

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